Post number 7: Pina Bausch

An expert on my field that you admire

Hello everyone, today I will talk about an important person in the contemporany dance history. Pina Bausch renowned dancer, she born in 1940 in Solegen city, Alemania, she estudy with important master of the modern dance like Kurt Joss and José Limón, afer completing her estudies Pina start to direct the Wuppertal Tanz theater, in 1972, this is an importan company of dance. Pina choreographed work of dance like "The consecration of the spring", "Café Müller", "Kontakthof". In 2009 she traveled to Chile and mounted a work inspired by our culture, the name of this work is "Como el musguito en la piedra ay sí, sí sí...", she choosed this name for una canción of Violeta Parra. Pina Bausch is considerate a innovating in the contemporany dance, she's style was called as dance-theater, and was considered a new corporal lenguaje. She always impeled her dancers to discover their own manner to dance. I admired her becaused her way with her company establish the basis for the develomped of the contemporany technique and this is very related to my experience in class in this carrer, Pina is an admirable dancer, she die in 2009 because had diagnosed lung cancer.

Bye, bye...


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